Robert Monsoura; Mudit Duttaa; Ahmed-Zayn Mohameda; Andrew Borkowski, MDa,b; and Narayan A. Viswanadhan, MDa,b Correspondence:Robert Monsour (
aUniversity of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa, Florida bJames A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital, Tampa, Florida
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The authors report no actual or potential conflicts of interest or outside sources of funding with regard to this article.
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Background: Artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine has shown significant promise, particularly in neuroimaging. AI increases efficiency and reduces errors, making it a valuable resource for physicians. With the increasing amount of data processing and image interpretation required, the ability to use AI to augment and aid the radiologist could improve the quality of patient care .
Observations: AI can predict patient wait times, which may allow more efficient patient scheduling. Additionally, AI can save time for repeat magnetic resonance neuroimaging and reduce the time spent during imaging. AI has the ability to read computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and positron emission tomography with reduced or without contrast without significant loss in sensitivity for detecting lesions. Neuroimaging does raise important ethical considerations and is subject to bias. It is vital that users understand the practical and ethical considerations of the technology.
Conclusions: The demonstrated applications of AI in neuroimaging are numerous and varied, and it is reasonable to assume that its implementation will increase as the technology matures. AI’s use for detecting neurologic conditions holds promise in combatting ever increasing imaging volumes and providing timely diagnoses.
Artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine has shown significant promise, particularly in neuroimaging. AI refers to computer systems designed to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence.1 Machine learning (ML), a field in which computers learn from data without being specifically programmed, is the AI subset responsible for its success in matching or even surpassing humans in certain tasks.2
Supervised learning, a subset of ML, uses an algorithm with annotated data from which to learn.3 The program will use the characteristics of a training data set to predict a specific outcome or target when exposed to a sample data set of the same type. Unsupervised learning finds naturally occurring patterns or groupings within the data.4 With deep learning (DL) algorithms, computers learn the features that optimally represent the data for the problem at hand.5 Both ML and DL are meant to emulate neural networks in the brain, giving rise to artificial neural networks composed of nodes structured within input, hidden, and output layers.
The DL neural network differs from a conventional one by having many hidden layers instead of just 1 layer that extracts patterns within the data.6 Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are the most prevalent DL architecture used in medical imaging. CNN’s hidden layers apply convolution and pooling operations to break down an image into features containing the most valuable information. The connecting layer applies high-level reasoning before the output layer provides predictions for the image. This framework has applications within radiology, such as predicting a lesion category or condition from an image, determining whether a specific pixel belongs to background or a target class, and predicting the location of lesions.1
AI promises to increase efficiency and reduces errors. With increased data processing and image interpretation, AI technology may help radiologists improve the quality of patient care.6 This article discusses the current applications and future integration of AI in neuroradiology.
Neuroimaging Applications
AI can improve the quality of neuroimaging and reduce the clinical and systemic loads of other imaging modalities. AI can predict patient wait times for computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, and X-ray imaging.7 A ML-based AI has detected the variables that most affected patient wait times, including proximity to federal holidays and severity of the patient’s condition, and calculated how long patients would be delayed after their scheduled appointment time. This AI modality could allow more efficient patient scheduling and reveal areas of patient processing that could be changed, potentially improving patient satisfaction and outcomes for time-sensitive neurologic conditions.
AI can save patient and health care practitioner time for repeat MRIs. An estimated 20% of MRI scans require a repeat series—a massive loss of time and funds for both patients and the health care system.8 A DL approach can determine whether an MRI is usable clinically or unclear enough to require repetition.9 This initial screening measure can prevent patients from making return visits and neuroradiologists from reading inconclusive images. AI offers the opportunity to reduce time and costs incurred by optimizing the health care process before imaging is obtained.
Speeding Up Neuroimaging
AI can reduce the time spent performing imaging. Because MRIs consume time and resources, compressed sensing (CS) is commonly used. CS preferentially maintains in-plane resolution at the expense of through-plane resolution to produce a scan with a single, usable viewpoint that preserves signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). CS, however, limits interpretation to single directions and can create aliasing artifacts. An AI algorithm known as synthetic multi-orientation resolution enhancement works in real time to reduce aliasing and improve resolution in these compressed scans.10 This AI improved resolution of white matter lesions in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) on FLAIR (fluid-attenuated inversion recovery) images, and permitted multiview reconstruction from these limited scans.
Tasks of reconstructing and anti-aliasing come with high computational costs that vary inversely with the extent of scanning compression, potentially negating the time and resource savings of CS. DL AI modalities have been developed to reduce operational loads and further improve image resolution in several directions from CS. One such deep residual learning AI was trained with compressed MRIs and used the framelet method to create a CNN that could rapidly remove global and deeply coherent aliasing artifacts.11 This system, compared with synthetic multi-orientation resolution enhancement, uses a pretrained, pretested AI that does not require additional time during scanning for computational analysis, thereby multiplying the time benefit of CS while retaining the benefits of multidirectional reconstruction and increased resolution. This methodology suffers from inherent degradation of perceptual image quality in its reconstructions because of the L2 loss function the CNN uses to reduce mean squared error, which causes blurring by averaging all possible outcomes of signal distribution during reconstruction. To combat this, researchers have developed another AI to reduce reconstruction times that uses a different loss function in a generative adversarial network to retain image quality, while offering reconstruction times several hundred times faster than current CS-MRI structures.12 So-called sparse-coding methods promise further reduction in reconstruction times, with the possibility of processing completed online with a lightweight architecture rather than on a local system.13
Neuroimaging of acute cases benefits most directly from these technologies because MRIs and their high resolution and SNR begin to approach CT imaging time scales. This could have important implications in clinical care, particularly for stroke imaging and evaluating spinal cord compression. CS-MRI optimization represents one of the greatest areas of neuroimaging cost savings and neurologic care improvement in the modern radiology era.