
Women hematologists advance MM research, give back


A cancer field with potential

While it was Dr. Madduri’s grandmother’s illness that drew her to study oncology, she chose not to work on the colon cancer that killed her grandmother. It felt too personal, and she didn’t foresee being able to help patients in the ways she wanted. Instead of sending them to hospice when treatment options ran out, Dr. Madduri saw the myeloma landscape advancing rapidly, with more drugs becoming available.

“What really interests me is that this field is going somewhere, and we can potentially find something to cure these patients,” Dr. Madduri said. “There’s great need, but there’s rapid advancement happening as well. I wanted to go into something where I could really make a difference and help these patients that I couldn’t help before.”

She’s currently managing CARTITUDE-6, a head-to-head frontline trial testing CAR T-cell therapy (Carvykti) in patients eligible for transplant. “Right now the standard of care is transplant, so there’s a lot of excitement” with the idea of replacing transplant with CAR T in newly diagnosed patients, something that’s never been done. Dr. Madduri hopes this will move patients into deeper remission and eventually help pave the path to a cure. “We have to change the landscape. We have to push the boundaries, right?”

Similarly, Dr. Kallenbach was drawn to myeloma because of the rush of new therapies.

“From the time I was training to the time I was practicing, the treatments completely changed,” she said. “That’s always exciting when you’re making that much progress on a disease, to see these enormous changes. Now you’re actually seeing people who’ve had tons of prior therapies have responses that I’ve just never seen before.”

Dr. Kallenbach also found fulfillment through patient care. “People really connect with their oncologist, and that relationship is really special,” she said. “The other thing is that you really learn from cancer patients how to live your life, like what’s important. People’s priorities become very clear.”

Importance of mentorship

Both women credit part of their success to finding excellent mentors early on, and both are paying it forward by mentoring other women in their field.

Dr. Madduri met her mentor, Sundar Jagannath, MBBS, when he interviewed her at Icahn School of Medicine’s Tisch Cancer Institute in New York, where he’s director of the multiple myeloma program and the Myeloma Center of Excellence. Noting her enthusiasm and excellent training, Dr. Jagannath recruited Dr. Madduri and quickly discovered her organizational skills. When she expressed interest in running the CAR T program, he let her run with it, while advising her on how to ensure that she got respect and credit for her work.

“You have to do your part, but if you don’t have the right mentor telling you, it’d be really hard for someone who’s just starting out to know what to do,” Dr. Madduri said.

Dr. Jagannath’s guidance paid off. “When she made the ASH presentation, everybody was impressed,” he said. “She captured the attention of my peers who have been in the field for a long time, so she immediately made a national splash.”

Just a few years out of her own fellowship, Dr. Madduri had already begun mentoring other fellows. Through Women in Hematology, she helps gather data about the roles women play in her field and how to further their advancement. “The myeloma field is slowly starting to shift” toward more gender balance, she said – progress she feels happy to support.

Dr. Kallenbach’s mentoring is less formal, yet it makes a deep impact on those she takes under her wing. Her mentees are mostly the students she’s met on the Bryn Mawr College campus where she walks her two Labradors. That’s how she met Louise Breen, who, after a postbaccalaureate there, just graduated from University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and is headed for residency at Mass General Hospital, Boston.

Dr. Breen said her mentor’s greatest gift has been “showing many of us that it’s possible to do it and what life could look like.” While fostering students’ self-confidence as they wrangle with imposter syndrome, Dr. Kallenbach has also demonstrated what a work-life balance in medicine can look like. She learned that from her own mentor, Hedy Smith, MD, PhD, now clinical director of inpatient hematology/oncology at MedStar Washington Hospital Center, and previously an associate professor at Tufts Medical Center.

Dr. Kallenbach quickly made an impression on Dr. Smith by coming to her door in tears one day.

“She was so devastated at the additions I made in her notes,” recalled Dr. Smith. “She felt that she had presented me with this less-than-adequate document. ... I told her, ‘this really says the world about who you are, who you’re going to become in oncology.’ I was struck by her character, a dedication to her work, and her desire to perfect it.”

Three years later, Dr. Smith remembers Dr. Kallenbach coming to her office with a big smile and saying: “Look at this. You didn’t make any changes.” Then Dr. Smith knew that her mentee was ready for the next chapter of her career.

They have kept in touch, with Dr. Kallenbach periodically calling to discuss a difficult case or to plan to meet up at conferences. “It always puts a smile on my face because this person who was once my student has now undergone this metamorphosis, and here we are, now truly equals and colleagues attending the meetings together,” Dr. Smith remarked.

Dr. Kallenbach feels grateful about finding a strong female mentor early in her medical career, especially given some of the everyday sexism she has encountered. A male colleague at a conference once expressed shock that she was practicing medicine full time while also being a mother. Dr. Kallenbach hasn’t encountered such attitudes while working in the pharmaceutical industry.

“I feel more valued as a doctor now than I ever did in practice,” she said. While before, she felt respected, “here, I feel like your expertise is valued, and you can actually help shape programs and inform how doctors practice.”

Dr. Madduri, too, feels like she’s where she’s supposed to be. “I went into the field because I really wanted to help people and make a difference,” she said. “I’m doing everything that I wanted to do.”


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