Smoking Prevalence and Nicotine Patch Success Rate Within a VA Medical Center
Martin Hahn, PharmD; Jennifer Bean, PharmD, BCPS; M. Shawn McFarland, PharmD, BC-ADM; and Wes Carnahan, PharmD, BCPS
At the time of this study, Dr. Hahn was a PGY-1 pharmacy practice resident at the VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System (VATVHS), Nashville. He is now a clinical/staff pharmacist at Skyline Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee. Dr. Bean is a clinical pharmacy specialist in home-based primary care and mental health services, Dr. McFarland is a clinical pharmacy specialist in primary care, and Dr. Carnahan is a clinical pharmacy specialist in oncology and formulary management, all at the VATVHS. In addition, Drs. Bean and Carnahan are assistant professors and Dr. McFarland is an associate professor, all at the University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy.
Smoking is a problem among veteran patients. Although nicotine patches are prescribed frequently for smoking cessation, no data exist regarding whether this treatment is successful in this patient population.