Stroke and Preventable Hospitalization: Who Is Most At Risk?
Huanguang Jia, PhD; Diane C. Cowper Ripley, PhD; Ho-Chih Chuang, MS; Samuel S. Wu, PhD; W. Bruce Vogel, PhD; John G. Chen, MD, PhD; Eric R. Litt, BA; Yuhong Tang, MS; and Dean Reker, PhD
Drs. Jia and Ripley are research health scientists, Ms. Chuang is a statistician, Drs. Wu and Vogel are research health scientists, Mr. Litt is a GIS analyst, and Ms. Tang is a statistician, all at the VA HSR&D/RR&D Rehabilitation Outcomes Research Center Research Enchancement Award Program (RORC-REAP) in Gainesville, Florida. Dr. Chen is a research economist at Houston VA Medical Center in Texas, and Dr. Reker is a research health scientist at Edward Hines Jr. VA Medical Center, VA Information and Resource Center, and Center for the Management of Complex Chronic Care, all in Hines, Illinois.
A restrospective study assessed how many poststroke patients are hospitalized and why—plus the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics that increased their odds of preventable hospitalization.