The Senior Screening Health Assessment and Preventive Education Program
Reaching Out to Minority Veterans
Shawkat Dhanani, MD, MPH, Nancy Harada, PhD, Stacy Wilkins, PhD, Steve Castle, MD, Theodore Hahn, MD, Joann Damron-Rodriguez, PhD, and Takashi Makinodan, PhD
Dr. Dhanani is the chief of the geriatric evaluation and management unit, Dr. Wilkins is a staff psychologist, Dr. Castle is the clinical director, Dr. Hahn is the director, and Dr. Makinodan is the health science officer; all at the Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC), VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles, CA. At the time of this writing, Dr. Damron-Rodriguez was the associate director for education and evaluation and Dr. Harada was a health science specialist, both at the Los Angeles GRECC. Dr. Damron-Rodriguez is now an adjunct professor in the School of Public Affairs/Social Welfare and Dr. Harada is now a professor in the School of Medicine, both at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). In addition, Dr. Dhanani is an associate clinical professor, Dr. Wilkins is an associate clinical professor, Dr. Castle is a clinical professor, Dr. Hahn is a professor in residence, and Dr. Makinodan is a professor in residence, all in the School of Medicine at UCLA.
Responding to demographic disparities in access to health care, these researchers initiated and studied a program to provide health screening and targeted health education to underserved, older, minority veterans