Resident Physicians in VA Outpatient Clinics: Continuity and Advanced Clinic Access Implementation
Barbara K. Chang, MD, MA, Jeffrey Murawsky, MD, Judith Feldman, MD, MPH, Gloria J. Holland, PhD, T. Michael Kashner, PhD, JD, Stephanie H. Pincus, MD, MBA, and Karen M. Sanders, MD
Dr. Chang is the director of program evaluation and the acting director of graduate medical education at the Office of Academic Affiliations (OAA), VHA Central Office (VHACO), New Mexico VA Health Care System and a professor of medicine at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, both in Albuquerque. Dr. Murawsky is the chief medical officer of VISN 12, Hines, IL and an associate professor of clinical medicine at Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine, Chicago, IL. Dr. Feldman is the chief medical officer of VISN 3, Bronx, NY. Dr. Holland is the special assistant for policty and planning at the OAA, VHACO, Washington, DC. Dr. Kashner is the director of education program analyses at the OAA, North Texas VA Health Care System and a professor in the department of psychiatry at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, both in Dallas.
Dr. Pincus, formerly the VHA's chief academic affiliations officer, is currently based at the VA Western New York Health Care System and is a professor and chair emeritus of the department of dermatology at the University of Buffalo, both in Buffalo. Dr. Sanders is the deputy chief academic affiliations officer at the OAA, VHACO, Washington, DC and a professor in the department of internal medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, Richmond.
How successfully have internal medicine residents been integrated into primary care clinics, and what impact—if any—does the type and extent of integration have on the VA’s advanced clinic access initiative? These investigators offer insights into these issues and suggestions for improvements.