Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in an Adult, Male Patient
What's Your Diagnosis?
Jeffrey R. Springer, MD, Marshall S. Wingo, MD, Eric S. Rovner, MD, and Agha Babanoury, MD
At the time of this writing, Dr. Springer and Dr. Wingo were both resident physicians in the department of urology at the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center (RHJVAMC), Charleston, SC. Currently, Dr. Springer is a resident physician in the pathology department at Louisiana State University, New Orleans, and Dr. Wingo is a urologist with Lowcountry Urology Clinics, PA, Charleston, SC. Dr. Rovner and Dr. Babanoury are both attending physicians in the department of urology at the RHJVAMC. In addition, Dr. Rovner is an associate professor of urology at Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston.
This patient’s urinary symptoms resolved with culture-directed antibiotic treatment—only to return, repeatedly. Can you identify the underlying problem?