Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Diabetic Patients Not Taking Insulin: Does It Affect Hypoglycemia?
Brian J. Neil, MD, Alisha Baines, MS, Barbara Clothier MS, MA, David B. Nelson, PhD, and Hanna E. Bloomfield, MD, MPH
Dr. Neil is a staff physician, Ms. Baines is a programmer and database manager, Ms. Clothier is a codirector of data analysis, Dr. Nelson is the senior statistician, and Dr. Bloomfield is the director, all with the Center for Chronic Disease Outcomes Research at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN. In addition, Drs. Neil and Nelson are assistant professors and Dr. Bloomfield is a professor, all in the department of medicine at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
With controversy surrounding the use of self-monitoring of blood glucose in this patient population, these VA investigators set out to determine whether the practice has any effect on the occurrence of severe hypoglycemia.