When Veterans Reach Out to Other Veterans, Everyone Benefits: The Exchange Club Experience
Cathy DuPouy, MA, Cynthia Goodman, ACSW, LCSW, MBA/HCM, Wendy L. Shannon-Harden, FNP, Ross Reeves, BS, and Marc Wooten, MD
Ms. DuPouy is the creative arts therapist for the Dementia Special Care Unit (DSCU) at the Marion campus of the VA Northern Indiana Health Care System (VANIHCS). Ms. Goodman was formerly the coordinator of the Substance Abuse Treatment Program (SATP) at the Marion campus and currently serves as a health systems specialist in the Office of the Director for the VANIHCS. Mr. Reeves is the counselor for the VANIHCS SATP Exchange Club. Ms. Shannon-Harden is the nurse practitioner for the VANIHCS DSCU. Dr. Wooten is the chief of staff for the VANIHCS and serves as a member of the Federal Practitioner Editorial Advisory Association.