Best Practices

Celebrating 20 Years of Excellence in Exercise for the Older Veteran [published correction appears in Fed Pract. 2007;24(11):38.]

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Recommended Reading

Gram-negative Toe Web Infection Complicated by Myiasis
Federal Practitioner
A Hepatitis C Support Group
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Dry Mouth Should Not Be Tolerated as "Natural"
Federal Practitioner
When Veterans Reach Out to Other Veterans, Everyone Benefits: The Exchange Club Experience
Federal Practitioner
Electronic Medication Reconciliation: A Pilot Demonstration on an Inpatient Geriatrics Unit
Federal Practitioner
FDA Approves Rivastigmine Patch—But Rebukes Misleading Marketing of Oral Form
Federal Practitioner
What's the Best Treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy?
Federal Practitioner
President's Commission Calls for Fundamental Changes in the DoD and VA
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VA Launches Partnership with Four Nursing Schools
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Watch Out for Cocaine Use
Federal Practitioner