Clinical Review
Developing an Integrative Health Care Program
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Fed Pract. 2006 January;23(1):16
Author and Disclosure Information
James C. Overall, Jr, MD, Sandra Smeeding, APRN, MS, CNS, FNP-C, and Susan G. Osguthorpe, RN, MS, CNA
Dr. Overall and Ms. Smeeding are codirectors of the Integrative Health Care Program (IHCP) at the VA Salt Lake City Health Care System (VA SLCHCS) in Salt Lake City, UT. Ms. Osguthorpe is the clinical support manager for the IHCP and for specialty care services at the VA SLCHCS.
Recognizing the growing role of complementary and alternative medicine in their patients' lives, these VA providers found a way to incorporate some of these "unconventional" therapies into the scope of services provided by their facility.