Unattended Cardiopulmonary Sleep Studies to Diagnose Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Kathryn L. Rice, MD, Kathleen A. Nelson, RN, Jeffrey B. Rubins, MD, and Shelley Arjes, RRT
Dr. Rice is a staff physician in the pulmonary section, Ms. Nelson is a staff nurse, Dr. Rubins is a staff physician in the pulmonary section, and Ms. Arjes is the manager of respiratory care, all at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN. In addition, Dr. Rice is an associate professor of medicine and Dr. Rubins is a professor of medicine at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
As the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea rises, so too does public and professional awareness of the condition and the demand for diagnostic testing, which can be quite costly. Here’s how one VA medical center managed to meet the demand despite limited resources.