Clinical Review
Informed Consent Substitutes: A Decision Making Flow Chart
Fed Pract. 2005 February;22(2):32
Author and Disclosure Information
Frederick J. Kier, PhD, Laura R. Hillock, JD, Agnes M. Nossek, RN, MN, CS, and Ronald H. Rabold, MSW
Dr. Kier is a staff psychologist at the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System (VAPHS), Pittsburgh, PA. At the time of this writing, Ms. Hillock served as a legal counsel at VAPHS. She now serves as a legal counsel for HJ Heinz Company, Pittsburgh, PA. Ms. Nossek is a clinical nurse specialist and Mr. Rabold is a social worker, both at the VAPHS.
Members of a VA ethics committee describe the tool they developed to address clinician confusion surrounding informed consent policies.