The DoD/VA Vision Center of Excellence-Looking Ahead, Seeing the Future
Fed Pract. 2011 June;28(6):9
Author and Disclosure Information
COL Donald Gagliano, MD; Mary G. Lawrence, MD, MPH; and James C. Orcutt, MD, PHD.
COL Gagliano is executive director of the DoD/VA Vision Center of Excellence (VCE) and an ophthalmologist at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC. Dr. Lawrence is deputy director of the VCE, and was most recently associate chief of ophthalmology at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center in Minnesota, professor of ophthalmology and director of Visual Rehabilitation Services at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Dr Orcutt is VA National Program Director for Ophthalmology, director of eye care at VA Puget Sound Health Care System in Washington, and an ophthalmology professor at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle.