Acting Surgeon General Confident in the Battle Against Tobacco, Ebola, and Preventable Diseases



Speaking at the AMSUS Continuing Education Meeting in Washington, D.C.

RADM Lushniak. AMSUS has always provided an excellent forum for the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, of which I am the commander, to be able to share our information with other federal practitioners, with other parties within the federal family that are interested in health care, in public health, in contact with patients on the clinical side and the scientific side....

I’ve been a member over many years, and I’ve been a regular attendee at the meetings. It allows us to cross-fertilize, to have that ability to sit down with our sister services, to be able to sit down with nonuniformed professionals who serve in the federal system under the flag of health care or under the flag of medical care or under the big flag of science, medical science.


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