Conference Coverage

Preparing for the 2015 AVAHO Meeting

Top poster presenters to be featured as speakers at the upcoming 2015 AVAHO meeting.



The Association of VA Hematology and Oncology (AVAHO) is calling for abstracts for the organization’s upcoming meeting to be held October 1-5, 2015 in Washington DC.

According to AVAHO President, Joao Ascensao, MD, abstracts should focus on new findings in the fields of hematology and oncology. All AVAHO members are encouraged to submit, regardless of discipline.

“We are looking for people to come to this meeting across all disciplines with the best work they have,” Dr. Ascensao said. “AVAHO is a multidisciplinary society so people come with different focuses. They can be not only doctors, but nurses, pharmacists, and social workers.”

Once submitted, an abstract will be subjected to a blind-review process by a board including 12 reviewers across multiple disciplines. The 6 abstracts deemed to be the best by the committee will be presented as oral presentations. All other selected abstracts will be presented during the meeting’s poster sessions.

“An abstract can stand out if it is a new area, it is well written, it has good, useful data, and it is of a quality to help those who will see it adapt and understand it,” Dr. Ascensao said.

Though the organization has not yet received any abstracts, total submissions are expected to surpass those for the 2014 meeting.

“Last year we received about 80 abstracts,” Dr. Ascensao said. “We expect about 100 this year. I don’t think we have a space restriction this year in terms of the posters so we can really encourage people to submit.”

All abstracts must be submitted by Friday, June 12. Authors will be notified of the review results by July 1. For more information visit

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