Best Practices
Best Practices
The Social Worker’s Role in Delirium Care for Hospitalized Veterans
Social workers can play an important role as part of the health care team in delirium risk identification, prevention, and care.
Best Practices
Yoga-Based Classes for Veterans With Severe Mental Illness: Development, Dissemination, and Assessment
Throughout 8 weeks of yoga-based wellness classes, veterans were assessed for perceived benefits, pain, stress, and biological, psychological,...
Original Research
A Treatment Protocol for Patients With Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
A physical therapy approach using monochromatic infrared energy and a balance program was shown to be effective in significantly reducing fall...
Best Practices
The VA/DoD Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium: An Overview at Year 1
This federally funded program identifies gaps in research and provides support services for scientific, clinical, and translational research...
Best Practices
A Physical Therapist’s Role in Clinical Video Telehealth
Telehealth sessions including a physical therapist have been implemented for physical examinations, shared diabetes appointments, and obesity and...
Best Practices
Using Life Stories to Connect Veterans and Providers
The My Life, My Story patient-centered program uses veterans’ personal narratives by veterans to create a strong connection between patients and...
Best Practices
The VA Geriatric Scholars Program
This national longitudinal educational program shares state-of-the-art geriatric practices in primary care PACTs through continuous professional...
Best Practices
Redesign of a Screening Process for VA Homeless Housing
Standardizing the screening processes for homeless housing among VA facilities can make programs more accessible to veterans experiencing...
Best Practices
Development of a Multidisciplinary Stroke Program
Several gaps and no formal system existed for coordinating stroke-related care at the Durham VAMC until a team of dedicated health care providers...
Best Practices
Using Light to Manage Sleep-Wake Issues in Patients With Dementia
Although research has yet to provide a definitive answer about whether circadian-active light can benefit patients with dementia, a VA pilot study...