The Sacred Art of Medical Teaching
Many of us spoke these noble words on graduation from medical school as part of the original Hippocratic oath. Most students probably forgot them...
Embedding Specialty Services Into Primary Care
Drs. Hoffman and von Zabern have described an innovative model for integrating specialty care into a primary care setting.1
Should We Care Whether Statins Cause Diabetes?
The last few years have been really rough for medical professionals who treat patients with lipid disorders.
Things Aren't Always What They Seem
A few years ago I decided to play a trick on one of our endocrine fellows, who at the time was only a few short weeks into her training. I had...
Niacin: Not Dead Yet, but on Life Support
Let me begin by confirming unequivocally that I’ve long been one of the strongest and loudest advocates of using niacin in the treatment of...
Are There Advantages to Having Diabetes?
The question in my title may strike many of you as ludicrous in the extreme. How could there possibly be any advantages to having a devastating...
Dead Bodies at a State Fair? Please!
I was absolutely appalled when I first heard of the concept several years back. It seemed that certain entrepreneurial showmen had assembled...