Genitourinary Cancer
Overall survival for metastatic urothelial carcinoma approaching 2 years
Metastatic urothelial carcinoma is still a hard-to-treat condition with a 12- to 15-month survival for metastatic disease that is treated. In a...
Antibiotic and glucocorticoid use before cancer therapy could have detrimental effect on outcomes
Observational study finds that antibiotics and glucocorticoids at 10 mg daily when given within 1 month before or after immune checkpoint...
Gut bacteria may fuel prostate cancer treatment resistance
The findings may suggest new therapeutic targets: the microbes living in the gut.
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Many patients, doctors unaware of advancements in cancer care
“These patients must be spared the traumatic effects of being handed a death sentence that no longer reflects the current reality,” said Dr....
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Most community-based oncologists skip biomarker testing
Survey shows that 48% of community clinicians use biomarker testing to guide treatment decisions, compared with 73% of academic clinicians.
Immunotherapy for cancer patients with poor PS needs a rethink
Patients should not receive immunotherapy just to reduce risk of side effects, doctor says.
Old saying about prostate cancer not true when it’s metastatic
“Most patients with metastatic prostate cancer die from it, rather than other possible causes of death,” researcher says.
‘Dawn of a new era’ in the treatment of renal cell carcinoma
Monotherapy with pembrolizumab was associated with significantly longer disease-free survival after nephrectomy than placebo in a trial of 994...
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Although inconclusive, CV safety study of cancer therapy attracts attention
Even though PRONOUNCE, a trial comparing prostate cancer drugs for cardiovascular safety couldn’t reach a conclusion, it may prove to be a model...
‘Routine’ use of focal therapy for prostate cancer in next 5 years
Focal therapy rejects one-size-fits-all medicine in favor of individualized treatment.