Conference Coverage
Phase 3 COVID-19 vaccine trials launching in July, expert says
“The good news is that the new coronavirus is relatively stable,” Dr. Paul A. Offit said.
Conference Coverage
ACIP approves flu vaccine recommendations for 2020-2021
Next season’s vaccination options include new high-dose quadrivalent vaccines for seniors.
Standing orders for vaccines may improve pediatric vaccination rates
Preventable diseases could gain a foothold because of COVID-19
Measles and influenza are two deadly infectious diseases for which there are vaccines.
ACIP advocates pre-exposure Ebola vaccination for high-risk groups
Vaccination is recommended for U.S. adults at risk for Ebola exposure in emergency and laboratory settings.
To Improve TB Vaccination, Change The Way It’s Given?
According to researchers from the National Institute of Allery and Infectious Diseases, simply changing the dose and route of administration of...
FDA approves novel pandemic influenza vaccine
This is the first and only adjuvanted, cell-based pandemic vaccine to provide active immunization against influenza A virus H5N1 strain.
ACIP updates recommendations for adult vaccines
The update includes changes regarding the administration of the influenza, HPV, hepatitis A and B, meningitis B, and PCV13 vaccines.
Hepatitis C vaccine alters viral trajectory, but fails in chronic infection protection
BOSTON – First-ever randomized study does suggest changes in peak HCV RNA and an HCV RNA change after infection.
Conference Coverage
Flu vaccine cuts infection severity in kids and adults
Recent U.S. data compiled by the CDC documented that children and adults who received influenza vaccines had fewer severe infections.