From the AGA Journals
From the Journals
IBD study hints at cause of postacute COVID
Persistent viral antigens could be behind multiorgan symptoms: The majority of patients with gut antigen persistence had symptoms of postacute...
From the Journals
Two genetic intestinal diseases linked
These rare conditions have separate genetic mutations but can share symptoms; new evidence suggests the two mutated proteins work together.
AGA Clinical Practice Guidelines: Pharmacologic treatment of IBS
The pair of new guidelines each explore new, old, and over-the-counter options to help physicians take an individualized approach based on...
From the AGA Journals
AGA issues position statements on reducing CRC burden
The American Gastroenterological Association has published eight position statements aimed at reducing the burden of colorectal cancer (CRC).
...From the AGA Journals
AI-based CADe outperforms high-definition white light in colonoscopy
Computer-assisted detection has the potential to decrease interprovider variability by reducing AMR, even in experienced providers.
From the Journals
Esophageal cancer screening isn’t for everyone: Study
A new cost-effectiveness analysis study suggests that the optimal endoscopic screening strategy for esophageal adenocarcinoma varies by race and...
From the Journals
Confronting endoscopic infection control
New quality indicators and novel disposable duodenoscopes may meet this need, but several questions regarding these interventions remain...
From the Journals
Do myenteric neurons replicate in small intestine?
Researchers sought to replicate a controversial 2017 study, but this time keeping an eye on possible confounding variables.
From the AGA Journals
AGA Clinical Practice Guideline: Diagnosis, treatment of rare hamartomatous polyposis
The U.S. Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer provides 14 recommendations for the genetic evaluation, surveillance, and treatment of...
From the Journals
AGA Clinical Practice Update: Expert review of dietary options for IBS
The topics range from identification of suitable candidates for dietary interventions to levels of evidence for specific diets.