The AGA Research Foundation is the charitable arm of the AGA. The AGA Research Foundation plays an important role in medical research by providing grants to young scientists at a critical time in their career.
“I received the AGA grant at a very critical stage in my career. This funding will facilitate the further development of my academic career in GI physiology and disease. Thanks to the foundation donors, I have the opportunity to fill important gaps in hopes to provide novel therapeutic targets for colon cancer treatment.” – Xiang Xue, Ph.D., 2015 Research Scholar Award recipient.
In the past decade alone, we’ve witnessed seminal work in colorectal cancer genetics and a renaissance in the understanding of irritable bowel sydrome and the gut microbiome.
However, continued progress in advancing the treatment and cure of digestive diseases is at risk due to cuts in government spending. Since 2005, Congress has slashed research funding by 20% and even greater cuts are on the horizon. Investigators in the early stages of their careers are particularly hard hit. Without help from other funding sources, young investigators are struggling to continue their research, build their research portfolio, and obtain federal funding.
Your contribution makes a difference!
With donations from AGA members, we can provide young researchers with a secure, ongoing stable source of funding that drives advancement in the diagnosis, treatment, and cure of digestive diseases.
Everyone benefits from GI research developed by dedicated investigators.
“The AGA Research Foundation award was critical to jumpstarting the research that led to the development of a novel drug used to treat diabetes. I wouldn’t have been able to do that without AGA’s support. I can’t overemphasize how vital it is to support young talented investigators at a time [when] it’s very difficult to get any kind of federal support.” – Jean-Pierre Raufman, M.D., 1984 AGA Research Scholar Award recipient.
Many breakthroughs have been achieved through gastroenterological and hepatological research over the past century, forming the basis of modern medical practice. We invite you to contribute to this tradition of discovery.
Make a tax-deductible donation to the AGA Research Foundation at or by mail to 4930 Del Ray Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814.