Join IBD experts and representatives from FDA for the first conference developed by the new AGA Center for Diagnostics & Therapeutics – Endoscopic Disease Activity Evaluation in IBD:
Factors Influencing Disease Activity Interpretation in Clinical Practice and Clinical Trials
The conference will take place Oct. 2, 2015, in Washington, D.C. at the Court Hotel on Capitol Hill.
Take advantage of this unique forum to examine the process of reading images in IBD clinical trials of medical therapy and related topics where endoscopic outcomes are integrated with patient-reported outcomes as coprimary endpoints.
The conference fosters a collaborative approach to standardizing and validating how endoscopic images are evaluated.
By attending, you will be able to:
• Understand the appropriate steps necessary to validate the endoscopic index for patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) or Crohn’s disease.
• Recognize and review current endoscopic assessment instruments used for regulatory approval in Crohn’s and UC.
• Review the benefits and limitations of current endoscopic assessment instruments used for regulatory approval in Crohn’s and UC.
• Discuss appropriate endoscopic endpoints that might be used for regulatory approval in patients with Crohn’s or UC.
• Review possible benefits and limitations of central and local reading of endoscopic images from patients with Crohn’s or UC.
We hope to see you this fall in Washington, D.C. The early registration and hotel reservation deadline is Sept. 3, 2015.
To learn more and register today, visit or visit the AGA Center for Diagnostics & Therapeutics by visiting and selecting the “About” section.