News from the AGA

ABIM to offer new MOC assessment options



ABIM announced plans on May 5 to offer physicians the option of taking shorter assessments on their personal or office computers more frequently than every 10 years, but no more than annually.

This announcement is welcome, and follows an aggressive campaign by AGA and other GI organizations advocating for elimination of the high-stakes, closed-book, timed exam. We support moving to a system of active learning and will continue to push ABIM to include our principles related to individualized learning and meaningful assessments.

Before the new assessment option is implemented, there will be a public comment period about the potential changes. AGA will be actively engaged in that conversation. This is a step in the right direction, but questions remain as to whether the changes are enough or whether the assessment will be individualized to the professional activities of subspecialists. Our work continues.

For the latest updates on MOC, visit the MOC page on the AGA website or join the discussion on the AGA Community.

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