This June AGA announced it has joined the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP), a broad-based campaign that works to curb rising drug costs.
“Gastroenterologists have a unique view of rising drug prices because the patients they treat are subjected to some of the most expensive medications on the market,” said CSRxP Executive Director John Rother, noting pricey hepatitis C medications, injectables, and other specialty drugs that often force patients to delay or forgo treatment because of cost. “AGA’s voice is a welcome addition to our diverse campaign as we call on policy makers to increase transparency, competition, and value in the prescription drug market.”
“Given that some of the most expensive drugs on the market are drugs that treat GI and hepatology diseases, I believe it is important that AGA be part of the dialogue addressing drug costs. These treatments have been revolutionary and lifesaving, but we need to ensure that all patients have access to the right treatments and are not prevented from receiving the proper therapy because of cost. AGA looks forward to working with the coalition and policy makers on finding common-sense solutions to address the growing problem of drug prices,” said Dr. Timothy C. Wang, AGAF, AGA Institute president.
Prices for specialty drugs, which require special handling, administration, or monitoring, are one of the largest drivers of increased health care costs, even for those who do not use medication. Today, prescription drug expenditures are nearly 20% of health care costs and prescription spending is growing faster than any other part of the health care dollar, according to data from IMS and Medicare Payment Advisory Commission. Additionally, IMS found that spending on specialty medicines has increased by $54 billion over the past 5 years, accounting for 73% of all medicine spending growth.