Did you know that you can honor a family member, friend, or colleague through a gift to the AGA Research Foundation? A simple, flexible, and versatile way to ensure the AGA Research Foundation can continue our work for years to come is a gift in your will or living trust, known as a charitable bequest. To make a charitable gift in a will, you need a current will or living trust.
You can include a gift in your will or living trust stating that a specific asset, certain dollar amount, or – more commonly – a percentage of your estate will pass to the AGA following your death in honor of your loved one. A gift of $50,000 or more in your will qualifies for membership in the AGA Legacy Society.
We hope you’ll consider including a gift to the AGA Research Foundation in your will or living trust. It’s simple – just a few sentences in your will or trust are all that is needed. The official bequest language for the AGA Research Foundation is: “I, [name], of [city, state, ZIP], give, devise and bequeath to the AGA Research Foundation [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose.”
For more information on how to give and recognize your loved one, contact Harmony Excellent at 301-272-1602 or hexcellent@gastro.org or visit http://gastro.planmylegacy.org/.