News from the AGA

Are you prepared for MACRA?


MACRA (Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015) replaces the flawed sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula and significantly changes the way Medicare pays physicians.

Many things about the Affordable Care Act (ACA; Obamacare) are likely to change under the new administration, but MACRA and the commitment to cost-effective, value-based care is here to stay. MACRA is separate from the ACA. Congress overwhelmingly passed MACRA legislation with bipartisan support. MACRA will eventually transition physicians toward more value-based payments.

It is important to understand MACRA to ensure you are doing everything required under the current rules in 2017. Ignore MACRA in 2017 and you will face an automatic reduction of 4% to your payments under Medicare in 2019.

AGA offers educational webinars and videos to help you prepare. Visit to learn more.

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