News from the AGA

AGA members meet with Rep. Gene Green at Baylor College


In-district meetings with congressional representatives provide a great opportunity for AGA members to establish working relationships with legislators, and help make the voices of our profession and our patients heard.

Members of the Baylor College of Medicine gastroenterology division – Avi Ketwaroo, MD; Richa Shukla, MD; Yamini Natarajan, MD; and Jordan Shapiro, MD – had the opportunity to meet with U.S. Rep. Gene Green, a Democrat from Texas’ 29th Congressional District, as part of AGA’s efforts to link constituents with local representatives. The group discussed the importance of supporting increases in NIH funding to maintain similar levels based on biomedical research inflation, the importance of screening colonoscopy, and improving access to care by opposing the repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

Watch an AGA webinar, available in the AGA Community resource library for AGA members only ( to learn more about how to set up congressional meetings in your district or contact Navneet Buttar, AGA government and political affairs manager, at or 240-482-3221.

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