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Nonendoscopic nonmalignant polyp surgery increasing despite greater risk

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Management of complex colon polyps 

In this comprehensive analysis, Peery et al. found a rising incidence of surgery for nonmalignant colorectal polyps despite relatively stable colorectal cancer screening rates and with decreasing incidence of colorectal cancer surgery.

In a separate study, the authors found that 14% of patients who underwent surgical resection of nonmalignant colorectal polyps had a major postoperative event. Other population-based studies have reported similar incidence of surgical complications.

This report thus raises concern for inappropriate surgical referral. While reimbursement models may play a role, many factors are involved with surgical referral. Complex polypectomy, often using endoscopic mucosal resection techniques to remove large polyps, is associated with higher rates of bleeding, perforation, and incomplete resection, compared with standard polypectomies. The decision to refer to surgery or to attempt endoscopic resection is based on provider experience and polyp characteristics, including suspicion for malignancy. Current literature suggests that surgical removal is recommended less frequently by specialists in complex polypectomy, compared with nonspecialists.

Given this study’s findings, health systems should consider including surgical referral rates in their quality measures. Thus, high-quality endoscopy centers would ensure that complex polyps are appropriately characterized and initially managed by endoscopists experienced in complex polypectomy. This is especially important with the increasing repertoire of endoscopic alternatives to surgery that we can offer our patients.

Gyanprakash A. Ketwaroo, MD, MSc, is an an assistant professor, division of gastroenterology and hepatology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston. He has no conflicts.



The investigators first hypothesized the increased rate in teaching hospitals could be due to a higher concentration of case referrals to these high-volume centers, following a trend of centralizing cancer procedures. However, there has been no other sign that colon and rectal cancer procedures are following this trend.

Another option considered by Dr. Peery and her colleagues was that increased procedures may stem from a rise in colorectal cancer screening; however, the data indicate screenings did not change from 2010 to 2015, leaving investigators with few final guesses to go on.

“It is also conceivable that increasing production pressure and inadequate reimbursement for endoscopic mucosal resection may persuade endoscopists to refer patients with complex nonmalignant colorectal polyps for surgery,” said Dr. Peery and fellow investigators. “Finally, there is the issue of risk ... for endoscopists without additional training in advanced endoscopic resection, these risks may be perceived as too great, especially when they have the option of referring for a surgical resection.”

There is a possibility that the incidence of surgery was over- or underestimated, as investigators were using ICD-9 codes to identify cases, and patients with diverticulitis were also excluded, which may have affected results.

The investigators reported no relevant financial disclosures.

SOURCE: Peery A et al. Gastroenterology. 2018 Jan 6. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2018.01.003.


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