News from the AGA

Federal spending agreement includes wins for medical community


President Trump signed a $1.3 trillion omnibus appropriations package that includes notable increases for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) last week. This funding and language is a major victory for digestive disease research and patients. AGA thanks everyone who joined our call to Congress to increase funding for research. Your advocacy matters and makes a difference!


NIH is a big winner in the omnibus and will receive $37.1 billion for fiscal year 2018, an 8.8% increase over the previous year’s funding, which represents the largest increase for NIH since the doubling period over a decade ago.

The omnibus also includes language pushed by AGA to require NIH to provide Congress with an update on the implementation of the recommendations of the National Commission on Digestive Diseases. AGA applauds Congress for including language that will help increase digestive disease research.

Congress also included funding for young researchers and continues to take action to reduce the average age of a new NIH-supported investigator. AGA appreciates the appropriators including this language, which has been a longstanding priority of AGA in supporting young investigators and ensuring that our best and brightest scientists have the support and funding that they need to start their careers.

Language was also included that prohibits the administration from capping administrative and facility fees paid to research institutions.

The All of Us Precision Medicine initiative received an increase of $60 million and antibiotic resistance initiatives received an increase of $50 million.

Opioid funding

The bill includes $4.65 billion to address the opioid epidemic across various government agencies. NIH would receive $1 billion to research opioid addiction and alternative pain management and treatment.


The CDC would receive $8.3 billion in funding, rejecting President Trump’s call for $900 million in cuts.

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