News from the AGA

A letter from Dr. Robert S. Sandler, MPH, AGAF, Chair of the AGA Research Foundation


Dear Colleagues,

Join me in supporting talented investigators through a personal gift to the AGA Research Foundation.

As a member of the GI community, you understand the physical, emotional and financial costs of digestive diseases. And you understand the value of research to advance patient care. The gap in federal funding for research continues to grow. Many well-qualified young investigators cannot get government funding. Gifts to the AGA Research Foundation this year directly supported 52 talented investigators. Despite this success, over 200 other innovative and promising research ideas went unfunded.

That’s why I’m asking for your help.

Securing the future of the field is no small task. Every dollar is a step forward in helping to spark the scientific breakthroughs of today so clinicians will have the tools to improve care tomorrow.

Everyone benefits from GI research developed by dedicated investigators.

I invite you to help the AGA Research Foundation continue our efforts to fund and retain talented GI scientists whose research will impact the future care of patients. Donate today at

Thank you for your generosity. Best wishes for a happy, healthy holiday season and successful New Year.

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