Letter from the Editor

New medical ethics series debuts


Dear colleagues,

The first issue of The New Gastroenterologist in 2020 consists of a particularly interesting array of articles and the introduction of a new medical ethics series!

Dr. Vijaya Rao

This month’s “In Focus” article, brought to you by Jennifer Maratt (Indiana University) and Elena Stoffel (University of Michigan), provides a high yield overview of hereditary colorectal cancer and polyposis syndromes, with guidance on when a referral to a high risk cancer specialist and geneticist is warranted.

Daniel Mills (Cunningham, Meyer & Vedrine P.C.) gives us a valuable legal perspective of the role of electronic patient portals in the dissemination of information and medical advice to patients – such an important topic for everyone to be aware of as the nature of patient communication now strongly relies on electronic messaging.

R. Thomas Finn III (Palo Alto Medical Foundation) and David Leiman (Duke) nicely broach the issue of patient satisfaction. This is a timely topic as many institutions are not only publishing patient reviews online so that they are readily available to the public, but are also making financial incentives contingent on high patient ratings. The article discusses the evolution of the emphasis placed on patient satisfaction throughout the years with tips on how to navigate some of the distinct challenges within gastroenterology.

As part of our DHPA Private Practice Perspectives series, David Stokesberry (Digestive Disease Specialists Inc, Oklahoma City) discusses the nuts and bolts of ambulatory endoscopy centers and some of the challenges and benefits that accompany ownership of such centers.

An often overlooked aspect of gastroenterology training is nutrition. In our postfellowship pathways section, Dejan Micic (University of Chicago) outlines his decision to pursue a career in nutrition support, small bowel disorders, and the practice of deep enteroscopy.

Finally, this quarter’s newsletter features the start of a new section, which I am very excited to introduce – a case based series which will address issues in clinical medical ethics specific to gastroenterology. Lauren Feld (University of Washington) writes the inaugural piece for the section, providing a systematic approach to the patient with an existing do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order that is about to undergo endoscopy.

If you have interest in contributing or have ideas for future TNG topics, please contact me (vijayarao@medicine.bsd.uchicago.edu), or Ryan Farrell (rfarrell@gastro.org), managing editor of TNG.


Vijaya L. Rao, MD
Editor in Chief

Next Article:

February 2020: Question 1