News from the AGA

AGA announces six-point commitment to equity


With a long-standing interest in diversity, recent events in the U.S. have intensified the AGA Governing Board’s interest to make a significant impact on the goals enumerated in our diversity policy.

Under the leadership of Dr. Sandra Quezada, AGA Diversity Committee chair, and Dr. Byron Cryer, director of the NIH-funded Fostering Opportunities Resulting in Workforce and Research Diversity (FORWARD Program), the AGA Equity Project task force will develop a multi-year strategic plan to achieve the following aims:

  • A just world free of health disparities in digestive diseases and free of inequities in access and effective health care delivery.
  • State-of-the-art and well-funded research that aligns with the realities of the current multicultural patient population and disease states to achieve health equity for all.
  • A world where it is expected and normal that both members and society leadership structures are diverse, and people of color and women are included in organizational decision making.
  • Recognition of accomplishments of diverse leaders. In addition, all leaders recognize, inspire, and cultivate the next generation of prominent, diverse leaders.
  • An engaged AGA membership and staff educated about unconscious bias and committed to the eradication of racism and prejudice towards patients, colleagues, and communities.
  • The existence of a diverse, culturally and socially aware, large and vocal early-career membership that leads the field toward achieving the vision.

The AGA Governing Board recognizes that meaningful change takes time and have committed to a multi-year effort spanning all aspects of our organization. Although our challenges are formidable, they are not insurmountable.

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