News from the AGA

AGA Giving Day: Our fight to eradicate disparities in digestive diseases


On Dec. 3, AGA brought together the GI community in an effort to fund health disparity research with the goal of improving care for the patients who rely on us.

The patients we serve face racial health disparities daily. It’s our responsibility to take action. With money raised through this campaign, the AGA Research Foundation will fund research projects that help understand health disparities and create strategies for overcoming them.

AGA Giving Day was the opportunity to do something about this important societal issue as it directly relates to our field. We all have a role to play in creating a just world free of health disparities in digestive diseases and free of inequities in access and effective health care delivery.

The AGA Research Foundation’s AGA Giving Day effort will help support state-of-the-art research that aligns with the realities of the current multicultural patient population and disease states to achieve health equity for all.

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