DDSEP® 8 Quick Quiz

December 2020 - Quick Quiz Question 1

You perform a colonoscopy for a patient who underwent sigmoid resection for stage 2 colorectal cancer 1 year ago. The colonoscopy reveals one diminutive adenoma in the cecum, which you remove with a cold snare.

When should you recommend the next colonoscopy?

10 years

5 years

3 years

1 year

6 months

Correct answer: C

According to the Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer, colonoscopy should be performed 1 year after resection, and again 3 years later, in order to decrease the risk of metachronous colorectal cancer.


1. Kahi CJ, Boland CR, Dominitz JA. Gastroenterology. 2016. 150(3):758-68.e11.

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