Private Practice Perspectives

Our role in colorectal cancer prevention education


Engaging with referring physicians

As a private practice practitioner, part of growing your practice is engaging with the primary care physicians in your area to ensure that they are up to date on the latest research in CRC screening and that they are discussing available screening options with their patients.

Preventing cancer should always be our first goal. Most CRCs begin as a polyp. Finding, quantifying, localizing, and removing polyps through screening colonoscopy is the most effective strategy for preventing this cancer. That is why colonoscopy remains the preferred method for colon cancer screening.

The Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer recommends that, in sequential approaches, physicians should offer colonoscopy first.5 For patients who decline to have a colonoscopy, the FIT test should be offered next, followed by second-tier tests such as Cologuard and CT colonography for patients who decline both first-tier options.

Beyond the science of colorectal screening, we want to make sure that our primary care partners are aware of the disparities that exist – and which patients are at higher risk – so that they can engage with their patients to encourage screening.

For example, in our practice, we work with local Asian American community groups to help make sure that the “model minority” myth – that Asian Americans are healthier, wealthier, and better educated than the average American – does not become a barrier to screening. While Asian Americans may have lower overall rates of some types of cancer, there are some cancers that disproportionately affect certain Asian American groups. Rates of CRC in Japanese men, for instance, are 23% higher than in non-Hispanic Whites.

Additionally, we work with our primary care colleagues to help them understand that patients may have insurance considerations when choosing a test. While insurance typically covers 100% of a preventive screening test, a follow-up colonoscopy for a positive stool test is considered a diagnostic or therapeutic service and may not be fully covered. Medicare patients may face a coinsurance bill after their follow-up colonoscopy for a positive stool test. Legislation was passed last year to remove this barrier, but Medicare beneficiaries may have some out-of-pocket costs until it is completely removed in 2030.

Are you joining a practice that supports CRC education? Just ask!

We all want to work for an organization that aligns with our core values, and for GI physicians like us, CRC screening is a core component of our everyday work.

If you are considering joining a private practice, ask how the practice is doing with their CRC awareness programs and if it leads to increases in screenings. Inquire about the groups that are being engaged with and why. Is the practice focused on communities that have disparities in screening and treatment, and is it able to complete the entire screening process for individuals in communities that are more adversely affected by colorectal cancer?

We have found that candidates who have the most success in our practice are people who want to work at Atlanta Gastroenterology Associates but are also active in their communities and have a sense of how they want to be of service in their community. It is a sign of leadership in people – the idea that they are really going to get out and network and build a practice that serves everyone in their community. These actions make a difference in getting more people screened and in decreasing the disparities that exist.

Dr. Aja McCutchen is the chair of the quality committee at Atlanta Gastroenterology Associates and serves as chair of the Digestive Health Physicians Association’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. She reports having nothing to disclose.


1. Siegel RL et al. CA Cancer J Clin. 2018 Jan;68(1):7-30.

2. Key Statistics for Colorectal Cancer.

3. Wolf AMD et al. CA Cancer J Clin. 2018 Jul;68(4):250-281.

4. American Cancer Society. Colorectal Cancer Facts & Figures 2020-2022.

5. Rex DK et al. Am J Gastroenterol. 2017;112(7):1016-30.


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