
Supporting clinician wellbeing and organizational resilience


The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted a major gap in our institutional infrastructure in medicine – specifically, the absence of established policies and programs to support clinician wellbeing and organizational resilience.

Dr. Megan A. Adams

Dr. Megan A. Adams

In a 2020 report, the National Academy of Medicine advocated for “fixing the workplace,” rather than “fixing the worker,” as a more sustainable mechanism to advance physician wellbeing and foster organizational resilience. According to the report, “A resilient organization, or one that has matched job demands with job resources for its workers and that has created a culture of connection, transparency, and improvement, is better positioned to achieve organizational objectives during ordinary times and also to weather challenges during times of crisis” (Sinsky CA et al. “Organizational Evidence-Based and Promising Practices for Improving Clinician Well-Being.” National Academy of Medicine. Nov. 2, 2020.

The report highlights six domains of evidence-based practices to support organizational resilience and improve clinician well-being: organizational commitment, workforce assessment (such as measurement of physician wellbeing and burnout); leadership (including shared accountability, distributed leadership, and the emerging role of a chief wellness officer), policy (such as eliminating and/or re-envisioning policies and practices that interfere with clinicians’ ability to provide high-quality patient care), (5) efficiency (such as minimizing administrative tasks to allow clinicians to focus on patient care), and (6) support (such as providing resources and/or policies to support work-life balance, fostering a culture of connection at work). While many organizations (including both academic and community practices) already have begun to invest in this transformation, I urge you to think creatively about whether there is more your practice can do at an organizational level to support and sustain clinician wellbeing and prevent burnout.

In this month’s issue of GIHN, we highlight AGA’s new Clinical Practice Guideline on Coagulation in Cirrhosis, as well as results from a study confirming the benefits of coffee for liver health (welcome news to the caffeine-lovers among us!). We also report on a novel text-based patient-education intervention that aims to connect patients newly diagnosed with colorectal cancer to valuable resources and support.

Thank you for your dedicated readership – we look forward to continuing to bring you engaging, clinically-relevant content in 2022!

Megan A. Adams, MD, JD, MSc
Editor in Chief

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