From the AGA Journals

AGA issues position statements on reducing CRC burden



Payers should cover costs

To further improve access to care, payers should cover the full costs of CRC screening because “copays and deductibles are barriers to screening and contribute to socioeconomic disparities,” that “disproportionately impact those with low income and lack of insurance,” according to Dr. Lieberman and colleagues.

They noted that the Affordable Care Act “eliminated copayments for preventive services,” yet a recent study showed that almost half of patients with commercial insurance and more than three-quarters of patients with Medicare still share some cost of CRC screening.

The investigators made clear that payers need to cover costs from start to finish, including “bowel preparation, facility and professional fees, anesthesia, and pathology,” as well as follow-up screening for high-risk patients identified by noninvasive methods.

“Noninvasive colorectal screening should be considered as programs with multiple steps, each of which, including follow-up colonoscopy if the test is positive, should be covered by payers without cost sharing as part of the screening continuum,” Dr. Lieberman and colleagues wrote.

Changes underway

According to Steven Itzkowitz, MD, professor of medicine and oncological sciences and director of the gastroenterology fellowship training program at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, the AGA publication is important because it “consolidates many of the critical issues related to decreasing the burden of colorectal cancer in the United States.”

Dr. Steven Itzkowitz, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York

Dr. Steven Itzkowitz

Dr. Itzkowitz noted that changes are already underway to eliminate cost as a barrier to screening.

“The good news is that, in the past year, the Departments of Health & Human Services, Labor, and Treasury declared that cost sharing should not be imposed, and plans are required to cover screening colonoscopy with polyp removal and colonoscopy that is performed to follow-up after an abnormal noninvasive CRC screening test,” Dr. Itzkowitz said in an interview. “Many plans are following suit, but it will take time for this coverage to take effect across all plans.”

For individual gastroenterologists who would like to do their part in reducing screening inequity, Dr. Itzkowitz suggested leveraging noninvasive testing, as the AGA recommends.

“This publication is the latest to call for using noninvasive, stool-based testing in addition to colonoscopy,” Dr. Itzkowitz said. “FIT and multitarget stool DNA tests all have proven efficacy in this regard, so gastroenterologists should have those conversations with their patients. GIs can also make it easier for patients to complete colonoscopy by developing patient navigation programs, direct access referrals, and systems for communicating with primary care providers for easier referrals and communicating colonoscopy results.”

Many practices are already instituting such improvements in response to the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Dr. Itzkowitz.“These changes, plus better coverage by payers, will make a huge impact on health equity when it comes to colorectal cancer screening.”

The publication was supported by the AGA. The investigators disclosed relationships with Geneoscopy, ColoWrap, UniversalDx, and others. Dr. Itzkowitz disclosed no relevant conflicts of interest.

Groups interested in collaborating with AGA should contact Kathleen Teixeira, AGA Vice President, Public Policy and Advocacy, at


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