News from the AGA

Memorial and honorary gifts: A special tribute


Honor a family member, friend, or colleague while supporting the work of our mission through a gift to the AGA Research Foundation. Your gift will honor a loved one or yourself and support the AGA Research Awards Program, while giving you a tax benefit. The AGA Research Awards program recruits, retains, and supports the most promising investigators in gastroenterology and hepatology.

  • Giving now or later. Any charitable gift can be made in honor or memory of someone.
  • A gift today. An outright gift will help support researchers working toward developing new treatments and diagnostics for patients with GI conditions. Your gift will assist in fostering a new pipeline of scientists – the next generation of leaders in GI. The financial benefits include an income tax deduction and possible elimination of capital gains tax.
  • A gift through your will or living trust. You can include a bequest in your will or living trust stating that a specific asset, certain dollar amount, or more commonly, a percentage of your estate will pass to the AGA Research Foundation at your death in honor of your loved one.


Your gift directly supports talented young researchers working to advance our understanding of digestive diseases. Make a tax-deductible donation to help spur innovation. Donate today at

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