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IBD and pregnancy: What to tell your patients


Dr. Dubinsky: One thing to note is that almost all the data of infertility risk and scarring are based on open surgical techniques that involve dissection of the rectum. On the other hand, we don’t yet have enough prospective data on the impact of the modern era of laparoscopic surgery to suggest whether it affects fertility. More data is needed because providers may be giving women old information that is no longer relevant in the modern era.

If a woman is experiencing IBD symptoms, should she attempt to conceive?

Dr. Kane: Gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with IBD could be from active disease but also other things, so it’s important to have a thorough check-up to assess if there is active disease or not. Active disease can (but does not always) lead to a more complicated pregnancy, and conception is not recommended while a patient has active IBD.

Dr. Dubinsky: Although some patients feel an urgency to conceive regardless of disease activity, we need to do our due diligence and explain that we need to focus on getting them into the deepest remission possible, including endoscopic findings, biomarkers, and symptoms.

The most important gift you can give your future moms is to optimize the therapy they’re on before they conceive.

Is it important for someone who’s working with a gastroenterologist and an obstetrician to also work with a maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) specialist?

Dr. Kane: Having a diagnosis of IBD makes a woman’s pregnancy “high risk” because just having the diagnosis is associated with a higher risk of prematurity and small for gestational age – but importantly, not birth defects. A woman whose IBD is in remission should still have a discussion with an MFM specialist, just so everyone is on the same page.

Dr. Dubinsky: I refer to care with MFM specialists as “tighter monitoring.” I tell my patients that MFM specialists have managed many complex pregnancies and feel confident around the safety of their medications, understand the impact of when the baby may be exposed to certain medications, and will focus on following them more closely.

What are the risks of IBD medications during pregnancy and while breastfeeding? Should women stop their medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Dr. Dubinsky: Organogenesis occurs in the first 10 weeks, so any medicines that cross the placenta during that time are up for discussion and debate. Methotrexate and the newer small molecules, such as Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors and S1P receptor modulators, do cross the placenta during the first trimester and need to be discontinued before conception, sometimes as early as 3 months before conception.

Marla C. Dubinsky, MD, professor of medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York

Dr. Marla C. Dubinsky

However, biologics are very large proteins and do not cross the placenta until closer to week 27. We are not advocating stopping biologics in advance of conception, or during pregnancy, or during breastfeeding. There is more risk to stopping than continuing.

Dr. Mahadevan: Methotrexate should be stopped at least 3 months prior to conception and should not be taken during pregnancy.

There are limited antibiotic safety data in pregnancy for the longer periods of time used in IBD. I generally prefer amoxicillin/clavulanic acid over ciprofloxacin or metronidazole, but short term (less than 2 weeks) use of any of those three are not contraindicated.

Mesalamine agents and thiopurine monotherapy can be continued through pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Biologic agents, such as anti–tumor necrosis factor, anti-interleukin 23, anti-integrin, and biosimilars, can be continued through pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Given limited exposure in the first trimester, there is no evidence of increased risk of birth defects. As Dr. Dubinsky pointed out, there is active transfer, particularly in the third trimester and minimal transfer in breast milk, but this has not been associated with harm.

Lastly, small molecules, such as the JAK inhibitors tofacitinib and upadacitinib, as well as ozanimod, have virtually no human safety data during pregnancy, and animal data show harm. The use of these agents in pregnancy is not recommended.

Dr. Kane: As Dr. Dubinsky stated, most of the medications our patients take are low risk to continue through pregnancy if the patients are in remission. Although a woman “in remission” on steroids is not really in remission and should not get pregnant until she is on something else.

As far as breastfeeding goes, that should be stopped if the patient is on methotrexate, cyclosporine, or certain antibiotics. If she is on more than 20 mg of prednisone, this can pass to the infant, and a mother should not breastfeed.

Women should avoid fenugreek as a lactation aid, as that contains a compound that can promote bleeding. Lactation cookies are ok.

Otherwise, there are lots of potential benefits to breastfeeding, and I encourage it.


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Trends in Surveillance and Management of Dysplasia in IBD