Applications for AGA Fellowship are now being accepted.
Advance your AGA membership and be recognized for your outstanding contributions to the field of gastroenterology by applying for AGA Fellowship, the organization’s highest level of membership. To date, only 1,888 members have been honored with this exclusive designation.
Fellowship in the AGA is by online application only and applicants must meet rigorous criteria in order to apply. One such criterion is membership in the AGA for at least 7 years.
As an AGA Fellow, you will:
• Have use of the letters "AGAF" in your professional activities.
• Receive a recognition pin and certificate upon acceptance.
• Be listed as a fellow on the AGA website.
• Have your name honored on signage and in the Research and Recognition Awards booklet, and be recognized with a ribbon denoting your fellowship status during DDW® 2014.
The review and selection process for this program falls under the oversight of the AGA Fellowship Recognition Committee, and new fellows will be selected based on outstanding merit, leadership, and excellence in clinical practice or research. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance by Jan. 31, 2014. Fellowship will commence upon notification of acceptance.
The application deadline is July 26, 2013. Eligibility requirements and an application can be found online at