News from the AGA

Impact of the AGA Research Foundation


As the charitable arm of the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), the AGA Research Foundation plays an important role in medical research by providing grants to young scientists at a critical time in their career. The AGA Research Foundation’s mission is to raise funds to support young researchers in gastroenterology and hepatology.

The foundation’s research program has had a significant impact on digestive disease research since 1984.

• More than $40 million have been provided in research grants.

• More than 750 scientists have been awarded grants.

• 90% of investigators who received an AGA Research Scholar Award (RSA) over the past 10 years have stayed in gastroenterology and hepatology research.

• Over 85% of AGA-funded researchers in the past 10 years received NIH funding subsequent to their AGA award with over 50% receiving $1 million or more in NIH grant support.

At a time when funds from NIH and other traditional sources of support are in decline, the AGA Research Foundation is committed and ready to support young investigators and fund discoveries that will continue to improve GI practice and better patient care.

Dr. Kenneth Olive

"Building a thriving research laboratory focused on pancreatic cancer research has been one of the greatest joys of my life," said Kenneth P. Olive, Ph.D., Columbia University Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center, 2010 Bernard L. Schwartz Designated Research Scholar Award in Pancreatic Cancer recipient. "I feel an immense pride when I walk into my lab and see over a dozen scientists engaged in research and interacting energetically. The freedom to pursue research stories in whatever direction the science leads is one of the reasons I chose academic science. The AGA Research Foundation has been extremely supportive of my work."

Many breakthroughs have been achieved through gastroenterological and hepatological research over the past century, forming the basis of the modern medical practice. The AGA Research Foundation contributes to this tradition of discovery to combat the continued loss of life and suffering brought on by digestive diseases.

The AGA Research Foundation provides a key source of funding at a critical juncture in a young researcher’s career. By joining others in donating to the AGA Research Foundation, you will ensure that researchers have opportunities to continue their life-saving work.

Support the AGA Research Foundation

The AGA Research Foundation serves the physicians and scientists who research, diagnose, prevent, and treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver and serves the patients whose lives and well-being depend on AGA’s members. Now more than ever, the AGA Research Foundation needs your support.

Help provide critical funding to young researchers today by making a donation to the AGA Research Foundation on the foundation’s website at or by mail to 4930 Del Ray Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814.

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Extended postoperative VTE prophylaxis appears warranted for IBD patients