Real progress in the diagnosis, treatment, and cure of digestive disease is at risk. Research funding from traditional sources, like NIH, is shrinking and even greater cuts are on the horizon. Talented young investigators in the early stages of their careers are particularly hard hit. They are finding it much more difficult to secure needed federal funding. As a result, many of these investigators are walking away from GI research frustrated by a lack of support.
Research has revolutionized the care of many digestive disease patients. These patients, as well as everyone in the GI field, clinicians and researchers alike, have benefited from the discoveries of passionate investigators.
AGA Research Foundation grants are critical to continuing the GI pipeline. The research awards program helps researchers take new directions and discover new treatments to better patient care. Help us fund more researchers by supporting the AGA Research Foundation Looking Forward: Giving Back endowment campaign. Funds raised through this campaign will support young investigators’ research careers and help ensure research is continued.
“Donating to the AGA Research Foundation is an investment in the future of our specialty; even more directly, it’s an investment in the quality of care that we will provide patients in the future,” states Dr. Nicholas F. LaRusso, AGA Research Foundation Campaign Donor.
By joining your colleagues in supporting the AGA Research Foundation, you will ensure that young researchers have opportunities to continue their life-saving work. Learn more or make a contribution at
Support the Looking Forward: Giving Back endowment campaign
Be gracious, generous, and giving to the future of the GI specialty this holiday season. Now more than ever, the AGA Research Foundation needs your help. Make a tax-deductible donation online at AGA will match individual gifts of $5,000 or more and contributors will be recognized at the fully matched amount. Join us!