Flashback to 2015
The April 2015 issue of GI & Hepatology News highlighted a report of 2011 CDC data from 10 EIP sites, demonstrating that CDI was responsible...
Flashback to 2014
SVR is still a surrogate for clinical outcome and the analysis of 5-year follow-up in the December 2014 issue reported that in patients with SVR...
Flashback to 2013 and the attempt to repeal the SGR formula
This month, our “Flashback” article highlights Congress’s long-term attempt to repeal the Sustainable Growth Rate formula for physician...
Flashback to 2012
It's a whole new biosimilar world.
Flashback to 2011
Barrett’s esophagus, named after Australian-born thoracic surgeon Norman Barrett in the 1950s, is now recognized as an important risk factor for...
Flashback to July 2010: Recognizing hereditary colon cancer
The advent of multigene panel testing by next-generation sequencing has enabled assessment of many genes simultaneously in the evaluation of...
Report of potential interaction between PPIs, clopidogrel
The January 2009 issue of GI & Hepatology News (GIHN) featured an article on the potential drug interaction between proton pump inhibitors (...
Flashback to April 2008
The GIHN piece, referencing Dr. Roy M. Soetikno’s article, helped inform us about an important (and confusing) problem in our colon cancer...
Celebrating 10 years of GI & Hepatology News
Our January 2017 issue marks the 10-year anniversary of GI & Hepatology News (GIHN), the official newspaper of the AGA Institute.
Prophylactic antibiotics no longer used for endoscopy
GI & Hepatology News