
NCCN: Deliver vincristine by mini IV drip bag

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Campaign will further spur shift from syringes

The safety of intravenous administration of vincristine has been a long-standing concern for anyone who participates in the management of patients with hematologic malignancies. As we all know, accidental intrathecal administration of vincristine is uniformly fatal.

Dr. Donna Capozzi

Dr. Donna Capozzi

Guidelines developed by NCCN have recommended that vincristine, as well as other vinca alkaloids, be prepared in a volume that would not be conducive to intrathecal administration. These guidelines are now recommended by Institute for Safe Medical Practice, Joint Commission, World Health Organization, and the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS), and have been narrowed to recommend use of mini-infusion bags.

At many centers, including ours, policies related to intravenous infusion of vesicants via a peripheral line have made the implementation of the safety recommendations difficult. It is not surprising that only 50% of hospitals surveyed by NCCN have fully implemented the mini-bag recommendation given the concern for extravasation. However, the newest ONS guidelines for vesicant administration allow for short-term infusions via a peripheral line. For our center, this support has been instrumental in allowing us to move to a practice with the recommended mini-bags. The NCCN “Just Bag It” campaign will likely help to move institutions such as ours to be in compliance with this important safety initiative.

Donna Capozzi, PharmD, is associate director of ambulatory services in the department of pharmacy at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine in Philadelphia. She is on the editorial advisory board of Hematology News, a publication of this news company.


Always dilute chemotherapy agent vincristine and administer it by mini IV-drip bag, instead of syringe, urges the National Comprehensive Cancer Network in a new campaign.

The goal of “Just Bag It” is to prevent a rare but uniformly fatal medical error – administering vincristine to the spinal fluid. When syringes are side by side – one with vincristine for IV push, another with a chemotherapeutic agent meant for push into the spinal fluid – it is just too easy to make a mistake. When administered intrathecally, vincristine causes ascending paralysis, neurological defects, and eventually death.

Despite all the warning labels and checks, “this still happens,” Marc Stewart, MD, cochair of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Best Practices Committee, as well as medical director of the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and professor of medicine at the University of Washington, said at a press conference.

Dr. Marc Stewart

Dr. Marc Stewart

Mini IV-drip bag administration will make it “virtually impossible. No physician would hook the bag up to a needle in someone’s spine” and even if they did, there wouldn’t be enough pressure in the bag to push vincristine in, he said.

The group has encouraged drip-bag delivery of vincristine for years, but only about half of hospitals have adopted the policy. The mistake happens so rarely – about 125 cases since the 1960s – “that the motivation for change is just not there.” Until somebody like NCCN calls it out in a high-profile campaign, “it’s not high on the radar screen,” Dr. Stewart said. It should be a relatively easy fix because bagging vincristine is not more costly. In general, the cost difference versus syringe “is going to be pennies,” he said.

“We challenge all medical centers, hospitals, and oncology practices around the nation and the world to implement this medication safety policy so this error never occurs again,” NCCN Chief Executive Officer Robert Carlson, MD, said in a press release. A medical oncologist, he witnessed the death of a 21-year-old patient after an intrathecal vincristine injection in 2005.

“Some health care providers may associate the use of an IV bag with a heightened risk of extravasation, but research shows that the risk of extravasation is extremely low (less than 0.05%) regardless of how vincristine is administered,” the press release noted.

Vincristine is widely used in treating patients with leukemia or lymphoma.

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