
Trump administration to focus on ACA reform, tort reform


“Even if you do away with the ACA, these cases all pertain to conduct that has already occurred, so they’re not going to be automatically moot,” Mr. Fader said in an interview. “They may struggle along for a while.”

The cases stem from the ACA’s risk corridor program, which requires HHS to collect funds from excessively profitable insurers that offer qualified health plans under the exchanges, while paying out funds to QHP insurers that have excessive losses. Collections from profitable insurers under the program fell short in 2014 and again in 2015, resulting in HHS paying about 12 cents on the dollar in payments to insurers.

The plaintiffs allege they’ve been shortchanged and that the government must reimburse them full payments for 2014. The Department of Justice (DOJ) argues the cases are premature because the full amount owed under the program is not due until 2016, after the program runs its course.

The Trump administration may surrender another ACA-linked challenge that questions billions in payments made to insurers, Mr. Jost said in an interview. In House v. Burwell, the House of Representatives accuses HHS of wrongly spending billions to repay insurers for health insurance provided to certain low-income patients under the ACA. The House claims HHS is illegally spending monies that Congress never appropriated. HHS argues that other statutory provisions of the ACA authorize expenditures for cost-sharing reimbursements. In May, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia decided in favor of the House, ruling that Congress never appropriated money for the payments and that no public money can be spent without an appropriation.

There is speculation that the Trump administration may not pursue an appeal, Mr. Jost said. “I think they better think long and hard about that because I don’t know why any president would want court precedent saying one house of Congress can sue the president whenever it disagrees,” he said. “If the Trump administration would give in on the lawsuit or the House would win … there would be some very large losses and some very large premium increases next year. There could be some very significant disruption of insurance markets.”

Again, if the ACA is repealed, the case may become irrelevant, Mr. Fader said. “If you get rid of the ACA and eliminate the cost sharing structure, than House v. Burwell is going to just be moot.”

William W. Horton

Weaker enforcement of antitrust regulations in health care also could be on the horizon, said William W. Horton, a Birmingham, Ala.–based health law attorney and past chair of the American Bar Association Health Law Section.

“We have seen a substantial uptick in antitrust enforcement activity in health care over the last several years,” he said in an interview. “The Trump administration has said that one of its themes is reducing the regulatory burden on businesses. People will be watching to see if that means an attempt to back off of some of the more-aggressive antitrust enforcement activities in health care and other industries.”

The Obama administration is currently fighting to block two mega-mergers among four of the largest health insurers in the nation. The DOJ filed legal challenges earlier this year seeking to ban Anthem’s proposed acquisition of Cigna and Aetna’s proposed acquisition of Humana. The lawsuits allege the mergers – valued at $54 billion and $37 billion respectively – would negatively affect doctors, patients, and employers by limiting price competition, reducing benefits, and lowering quality of care. A majority of physician associations and patient groups oppose the mergers. But experts said the new administration could drop the challenges.

Similarly, the Trump administration could be more lax in its enforcement of the Stark Law. “You could certainly say if the administration is committed to reducing regulatory burden, one thing the administration might push forward is reducing some of the enforcement with respect to technical violations of Stark,” Mr. Horton said, noting that the Senate recently questioned if the government is going too far in regulating physician relationships under Stark. “If your theme is ‘Let’s cut back on regulation,’ that would be an area that you would think the administration would look at.”

Dennis A. Cardoza

Dennis A. Cardoza

Meanwhile, stronger medical malpractice reforms could be on the horizon in light of a Republican-controlled Congress. Tort reform advocates have a good chance at passing federal medical liability reforms that were left out of the ACA’s passage in 2010, said Dennis A. Cardoza, public affairs director and cochair of the federal public affairs practice at a national health law firm.

Earlier versions of the ACA included amendments that mandated lawsuits go through a state or federal alternative dispute resolution system prior to being filed in court. Another provision that failed would have provided federal grants to states that created special health courts for medical malpractice claims. The amendment would have allowed states to create expert panels, administrative health care tribunals, or a combination of the two.

“There’s much stronger support for tort reform among the Republicans in Congress,” Mr. Cardoza said in an interview. “There’s a shot [now]. If the reforms don’t go too far where they would penalize injured patients, I think they could get additional support and be well received by the Congress.”

Tougher abortion restrictions are likely under the Trump administration, experts said. President-elect Trump has said he is committed to nominating a ninth Supreme Court justice who opposes Roe v. Wade.

Jamie Raskin

Jamie Raskin

“The new justice is almost certain to swing the court in a conservative direction,” said Rep-elect Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a constitutional law professor at American University in Washington. “The stakes are extremely high in the health care field as in every part of Supreme Court jurisprudence.”

Vice President-elect Mike Pence, who is considered a strong voice for the religious right, will likely influence who Mr. Trump nominates for the high court, said Rep-elect Raskin, who added that if ever there was time that abortion rights are in jeopardy, it’s now.

“This really puts the Republicans to the test,” he said in an interview. “For decades now, they have been calling for the overruling of Roe v. Wade. The religious right will never forgive them if it doesn’t happen now. [Republicans] control the House, the Senate, and the White House. They have it within their reach to create a five-justice majority on the court.”


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