
Repeal and replace: House bills offer potential road maps


As Republicans dig in to make good on their promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act, hints at what an eventual replacement may look like can be gleaned from legislation previously introduced in the House of Representatives.

One model could be the Empowering Patients First Act (H.R. 2300), sponsored by Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.), a retired orthopedic surgeon and President-elect Trump’s nominee to head the Health and Human Services department. That legislation offers up a number of the usual GOP proposals related to health care, including refundable tax credits for low-income individuals buying insurance on the individual market; federal grants for states to provide health coverage through a high-risk pool, a reinsurance pool, or other mechanism to help subsidize the purchase of insurance; allowing individuals to purchase insurance through individual member associations; allowing small business owners to purchase insurance for their families and employees across state lines through their trade associations; and allowing insurance companies to sell coverage across state lines.

Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga)

Rep. Tom Price

The bill also includes improvements to the Children’s Health Insurance Program and Medicaid, addresses medical liability reform, and provides incentive to address physician shortages.

Another model can be found in House Republican’s health reform plan, called “A Better Way.”

The plan includes a number of provisions similar to those in Dr. Price’s plan, such as expanding consumer-directed health care options, allowing sale of insurance across state lines, expanding opportunities for pooling, and bringing about medical liability reform.

It also increases health insurance portability, helps to preserve the employer-sponsored insurance market, preserves wellness programs, promotes greater use of health savings accounts, and provides for greater opportunities to contribute and use them.

The Better Way plan maintains a few of the popular aspects of the Affordable Care Act, including a ban on coverage denial for preexisting conditions and the ability to keep adult children on parents’ health insurance up to age 26 years, in certain situations.

In addition, the plan would roll back a premium adjustment for older patients. The ACA mandates that premiums for older individuals could be no more than three times that of a younger enrollee. Prior to the ACA, the GOP plan notes that it was generally a limit of five times that of a younger enrollee, and the GOP vision is to bring that limit back.

“The ill-advised three-to-one policy is leading to artificially higher premiums for millions of Americans, especially younger and healthier patients,” according to the GOP plan.

The plan aims to repeal several ACA provisions including the Independent Payment Advisory Board, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovations, and the ban on physician-owned hospitals. It would also extend value-based insurance design to Medicare Advantage, combine Medicare Parts A & B, and reform to uncompensated care.

President-elect Trump also gave hints as to what might be contained in a health reform plan he is formulating. In a Jan. 14 interview with the Washington Post, Mr. Trump said his plan aims to provide “insurance for all” while requiring drug manufacturers to negotiate with Medicare and Medicaid on pricing.

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