“I don’t think we have a study to be able to follow patients for 20 years or so, knowing that we rely on the assays that we were using 20 years ago,” Dr. Sidonio said. “That’s a challenge at a lot of our centers, but we know that VWF generally rises with age in mild VWD patients.”
In patients with definitively diagnosed type 2 VWD, no age-related VWF or FVIII changes were observed. The researchers also observed an increase in surgical bleeding and GI bleeding in elderly VWD patients.
In the meantime, the Canadian Type 1 VWD study was one of the first to elucidate the complexity of the pathogenesis of type 1 VWD. It identified CLEC4M as playing a role in VWF clearance, with polymorphisms contributing to the variability of VWF.
More data collection is underway through a partnership between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Thrombosis and Hemostasis Network (ATHN).