
6 ways to reduce liability by improving doc-nurse teams


“The numbers should be higher at the beginning of the relationship until the physician gains an understanding of the NP’s experience and competence,” Mr. Ranum said. “Setting expectations will open the door to more frequent and more effective communication.”

NPs, meanwhile, should feel confident in requesting the physician’s assistance when a patient’s presentation is complex or a patient has returned with the same complaints, he added.

4. Convene regularly. Schedule regular meetings to catch up and discuss patient cases – not just when something goes awry, said Ms. Balestra. During weekly or monthly meetings, physicians, NPs, and other team members can converse in a more relaxed atmosphere and share any concerns or ideas for improvements.

“Have a meeting, whether by phone or in person, just to see how things are going,” she said. “That way, the NP may be able to take some things off the plate for the physician and the physician can see how [he or she] can assist the NP.”

Short huddles at the start of each day also help clinicians and staff prepare for patients and discuss approaches to managing complex conditions or challenging patient personalities, Mr. Ranum said.

“It is often helpful to debrief on patients who were seen during that day and who represent complex conditions,” he said. “Physicians may see opportunities to improve care following the NP’s assessment and diagnosis.”

5. Consider noncompliant policy. Create a noncompliant patient policy and work together to address uncooperative patients. Noncompliant patients are a top lawsuit risk, Ms. Balestra said. A noncompliant patient for instance, may provide conflicting information to different health professionals or attempt to blame providers for adverse events, she said.

“Your noncompliant patient is your easiest patient for a lawsuit because they’re not following [instructions] and then something happens, and they say, ‘It’s your fault, you didn’t treat me right.’”

Physician and NPs should be on the same page about noncompliant patients, including taking time to discuss when and how to terminate them from the practice if necessary, she said. Consistent documentation about patients by both physician and NPs is also critical, experts emphasize. Insufficient or lack of documentation led to patient injuries in 17% of cases against primary care doctors and in 19% of cases against NPs in The Doctors Company study.

6. Keep patients out of it. When disagreements or grievances occur, discuss the problem in private and ensure all staff members do the same, Dr. Andrew said. Refrain from letting anger or annoyance with another team member carry into patient care or worse, trigger a negative comment about a staff member in front of a patient, she said.

“All it takes is for something to go wrong and a patient or family who has heard such sentiments is tuned into the fact there may be some culpability,” she said. “This is probably a key factor in many a claimant’s decision to seek redress for a bad outcome.”

Instead, address problems or differences as soon as possible and work toward a resolution. It may help to create a conflict resolution policy that outlines behavioral expectations from all team members and suggested solutions when concerns arise.

“We have to put our egos aside,” Ms. Balestra said. “The ultimate goal is the best care of the patient.”


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