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COVID-19: What will happen to physician income this year?


Is recovery around the corner?

In early May, practices in many parts of the country were seeing the possibility of a return to normal business – or at least what could pass for normal in these unusual times.

“From mid-March to mid-April, hospitals and practices were in panic mode,” said MGMA’s Mr. Gans. “They were focusing on the here and now. But from mid-April to mid-May, they could begin looking at the big picture and decide how they will get back into business.”

Surgeons devastated by bans on elective surgeries might see a bounce in cases, as the backlog of patients comes back in. By late April, 10 states reinstituted elective surgeries, including California, Arizona, Georgia, Indiana, Colorado, and Oklahoma, and New York has reinstituted elective surgeries for some counties.

Dr. Price said he hopes to reopen his plastic surgery practice by the end of June. “If it takes longer than that, I’m not sure that the practice will survive.” His PPP loan would have run out and he would have to lay off his staff. “At that point, ongoing viability of practice would become a real question.”

Dr. Monks said he hopes a lot more patients will come to his dermatology practice. As of the end of April, “we’re starting to see an uptick in the number of patients wanting to come in,” he said. “They seem to be more comfortable with the new world we’re living in.

“Viewing the backlog of cases that haven’t been attended to,” Dr. Monks added, “I think we’ll be really busy for a while.”

But Mr. La Penna said he thinks the expected backlog of elective patients will be more like a trickle than a flood. “Many patients aren’t going to want to return that fast,” he said. “They may have a condition that makes exposure to COVID-19 more risky, like diabetes or high blood pressure, or they’re elderly, or they live in a household with one of these risk groups.”

Andrew Musbach, cofounder of MD Wealth Management in Chelsea, Mich., said he expects a slow recovery for primary care physicians as well. “Even when the lockdowns are over, not everyone is going to feel comfortable coming to a hospital or visiting a doctor’s office unless it’s absolutely necessary,” he said.

Getting back to normal patient volumes will involve finding better ways to protect patients and staff from COVID-19, Dr. Yonover said. At his urology practice, “we take all the usual precautions, but nothing yet has made it dramatically easier to protect patients and staff,” he said. “Rapid, accurate testing for COVID-19 would change the landscape, but I have no idea when that will come.”

Mr. Wrenne advises his physician clients that a financial recovery will take months. “I tell them to plan for 6 months, until October, before income returns to pre–COVID-19 levels. Reimbursement lags appointments by as much as 3 months, plus it will probably take the economy 2-3 months more to get back to normal.”

“We are facing a recession, and how long it will last is anyone’s guess,” said Alex Kilian, a physician wealth manager at Aldrich Wealth in San Diego. “The federal government’s efforts to stimulate the economy is keeping it from crashing, but there are no real signs that it will actually pick up. It may take years for the travel and entertainment industries to come back.”

A recession means patients will have less spending power, and health care sectors like laser eye surgery may be damaged for years to come, said John B. Pinto, an ophthalmology practice management consultant in San Diego. “[That kind of surgery] is purely elective and relatively costly,” he said. “When people get back to work, they are going to be building up their savings and avoiding new debt. They won’t be having [laser eye surgery].”

“There won’t be any quick return to normal for me,” said Dr. Price, the Connecticut plastic surgeon. “The damage this time will probably be worse than in the Great Recession. Back then, plastic surgery was off by 20%, but this time you have the extra problem of patients reluctant to come into medical offices.”

“To get patients to come in, facilities are going to have to convince patients that they are safe,” Mr. Singleton said. “That may mean undertaking some marketing and promotion, and hospitals tend to be much better at that than practices.”


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